
What rhymes with Penguin?

Basketweave Cowl

Pattern: modified version of the PurlBee Basketeweave Scarf

Yarn: River's Edge - nuttnbunnyspunme dk
113 yards navajo plyed

Warmy Neckerson

Pattern: my own

Yarn: Vineyard - nuttnbunnyspunme dk
cashmere/tussah 50/50
nuttnbunnydyedme too :-)

Love that carved stone button.

Little Penguin

Pattern: my own improvisation
I took notes as I went and will try to put it all together in a pattern.

Yarn: River's Edge - nuttnbunnyspunme fingering
168 yards 2 ply

nuttnhubby said I really captured that "penguin essence". Hmmm....

Mowl (that's a Man Cowl) :-)

Pattern: Gloria Cowl

Yarn: Sterling - nuttnbunnyspunme fingering

Notes: Multipurpose. He can wear it around his neck too.

Happy Fathers' Day! xoxo...

Still life with snakes.

Z's play is becoming more and more enchanting. I love stumbling upon these little scenarios. I think I'll start capturing the images, fill in the narrative and make them into a children's book. :-)

More images of everything on Flickr.