
The same, only different

This week was a study in doing the same thing twice.

This is my head... This is my head emerging from a chrysalis.

Pattern: Balsam

Modifications: Knit an abbreviated version casting on 90 stitches and working 2.5 pattern repeats for a cowl.

Yarn: nuttnbunnyspunme dk
Insect Wings
from Hello Yarn Fiber Club
February 2008

And a twin. Now, why would I need two of these? Hmmm...

And the same in spinning.

River's Edge Fiber split and spun two ways.

This into 168 yards 2 ply at 15 wpi/fingering.

I have a new found love of plying from a center pull ball.

And the same fiber, other half.

Spun into 113 yards DK weight at 11 wpi navajo ply.

Related, yet different.

What it is. What it isn't. What it might be.
That's one for me to ponder all week. :-)


Well, I didn't mean for that to happen!

A quick blog vacation.

Back to our regularly scheduled program...

Mother's Day gift for my Mom. As mentioned elsewhere, I must really love my mom b/c anyone else would totally have gotten a flower delivery while I made off with this scarf!

Z was my little helper by shooting this pic!

Pattern: Lace Ribbon Scarf

Yarn: nuttnbunnyspunme
from Hello Yarn Fiber Club
January 2008

I think we may be looking at a State Fair entry. What do you think?

Some sweet spring mud for the recent Cowl Craze.

Pattern: Purl's Cashmere Cowl

Yarn: nuttnbunnyspunme
Mud Season
from Spunky Club
March 2008

They have another pattern for a lace cowl that I'm going to try too.

Shepherd's Harvest Festival was on Mother's Day weekend.
Lots of stash building. (I bought the equiv of how many sheep?!?!?)

And "Party Dress/She's So Unusual" took the Blue Ribbon in Novelty Yarn. I'm surprised by how few entries there were in the skein competition. Why is that?

Lastly, I've got a little Scavenger Hunt going on Ravelry. You have to find it to play. There will be prizes... Come on! :-)